Third post. Less than an hour. I am bored aren't I. Well anyway, hello again big wide world and the people who reside within it. Lovely to see you back again for some more wonderfully uninteresting reading. I joke, *cough* *cough*. This is where you feel the urge to boost my ego and tell me that I'm not boring at Well ok I can understand your reservations about doing such a thing.
To business! This post for me is a brief introduction into one of my many ideas about world politics. Oooooooooooo! No not politics! It's ok, I don't have the energy to go into great depth right now. That would require a whole week with regular coffee and muffin breaks and probably a large lack of sleep and movement resulting in the death of feeling in both my left and right bum cheeks. To return to the subject at hand, politics. Scary and unfriendly isn't it? What I don't understand is why it has to be? It countries of the Western World we vote to see a government of our choice put into power so that they can make decisions on our behalf for the betterment of our nation as a whole and our situations as individuals and family units. Therefore I don't see the reasoning behind everything that intentionally makes politics a dark mirage of fog that blinds us from what is really going on and limits many of us who don't choose to devote our lives to politics from truly understand what it is all about. Politics is something that many broken down comes into our every day lives. Therefore it should be something that we can understand on a daily basis without much effort. The problem that I immediately find without my in depth analysis of the subject is that the systems of government are internationally corrupt, maybe not the individuals or the parties (although on the whole it is more likely that many of them are as well) but the way in which governments work is corrupt in a way that eliminates the people who it effects from its understandings. Governments fight against each other to see that their country is the best or most powerful and all over the world secrets are kept and played off against each others secrets in order to retain a level of power over everyone else. There is no real unity in the world. I simply look at the world and I think to myself that all the time for those nations to bicker among each other is over. This world is now too small and the human race has come to a point where equality should be at such a level that we are ruled as one race together where we make the decisions that effect our lives ourselves. I understand that this idea alone without any explanation or in depth discussion on the surface appears to be somewhat naive but it is only an idea, and all great achievements in this world were born of one idea or another. I know that there are people and things in this world that would have us separated, each country vying for power with the next and people and business' fighting it out to be the strongest and the best and although I agree with the competition in order to encourage growth we are an intellectually strong enough species to retain that while pulling together our resources as a planet rather than individual nations and become something stronger than any of us have ever been able to see or in some cases imagine possible.
All in all I look at the world and in so many circumstances I see the human race being held back because on a world wide scale we still act too tribal for our own good. We don't look at the bigger picture and people, governments and societies are too selfish, stubborn and afraid to look into the future, see what needs to be done to make the changes that will benefit all in some way and make the leap of faith and grab at the solutions that we know are waiting for us.
As always I hope you enjoyed reading and didn't find this too dull. I try to write in an entertaining way at least some of the time. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the day. It's beautiful weather where I am at the moment and I hope that you can have some sunshine in one form or another today.
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